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Writer's pictureHananya Naftali

Why The Mainstream Media is Lying About Israel

When it comes to Israel, the mainstream media loves a good lie. You’ve heard the headlines: “Israel is an apartheid state,” “Israel is the aggressor,” “The Palestinians are victims of Israeli oppression.” It's all wrong. But what’s more troubling than the lies themselves is that so many people believe them. The media has mastered the art of distorting facts, twisting stories, and pushing an anti-Israel narrative. And it's no accident.

An illustration of People reading fake news on yellow background
An illustration of People reading fake news on yellow background (Shutterstock)

In fact, if you're paying attention, you’ll notice a disturbing pattern: Israel is always framed as the villain. Always. If there’s a terror attack, somehow it’s Israel’s fault. If Israel defends itself, it’s suddenly a massacre. And if Hamas rockets are flying into Israeli towns? The media covers it for 30 seconds, before focusing on the “disproportionate” Israeli response. Are you kidding me?

The truth is that the mainstream media doesn’t just distort the facts; they invert them. When it comes to Israel, they love to turn the victim into the aggressor. This is a well-coordinated effort, and it’s no surprise when you look at the agendas at play. Let's break it down.

The Left’s Agenda Against Israel

To understand why the media lies, we have to understand what motivates them. The mainstream media is largely left-wing, and the left has been shifting anti-Israel for years. It’s not a coincidence. The left hates anything that resembles strength, sovereignty, and self-defense. Israel embodies all three. As a country that defends its borders and its people with unapologetic might, Israel is everything the left despises.

man holding palestine flag
Manhattan, NY USA May 11th, 2021 Emergency rally for Palestine (Shutterstock)

The left has found a new darling in the so-called “Palestinian cause.” This cause is sold as a righteous struggle for justice. Sounds good, right? Except it’s based on a total myth. The myth is that Israel is an illegal occupier, that Palestinians are helpless victims, and that the conflict would be over if only Israel would lay down its arms. It’s absurd! Let me remind you: The Palestinians have rejected every peace offer made to them. Every. Single. One.

What’s worse, the Palestinian leadership openly calls for Israel’s destruction, and Hamas doesn’t even hide it. Their charter explicitly calls for wiping Israel off the map. But the media? They’ll make it sound like Hamas are the good guys with a few “legitimate grievances,” while Israel is the heartless villain.

Media’s Manipulation Tactics: How They Twist the Narrative

There are several tricks the media uses to paint Israel as the bad guy. First, they love to use emotional manipulation. You’ll see heartbreaking images of crying Palestinian children, but you’ll rarely hear about the rocket launchers placed right next to their schools and hospitals by Hamas. Why? Because the truth — that Palestinian terrorists are using their own people as human shields — doesn’t fit the anti-Israel narrative.

Another tactic is selective reporting. When Israelis die in terror attacks, it’s barely mentioned. Did you know that since October 7, 2023, there were over 19,000 rockets fired at Israel from Gaza and Lebanon? Probably not, because the media either doesn’t report it, or they bury it under some “both sides are suffering” nonsense. But when Israel retaliates to protect its civilians, the headlines scream about “Israeli aggression” and “Palestinian casualties.”

But let’s be real here: If your neighbor was firing rockets at your house day in and day out, how long would you sit there and take it? Israel’s patience is superhuman, yet they’re demonized for simply defending themselves.

muslim girl standing while holding a cat in front of a demolished house
Palestinian girl in the city of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip, on October 18 2023 (Shutterstock)

Biblical Truth: Israel Has the Right to Defend Itself

Let’s not forget, the Bible says, "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: May those who love you be secure" (Psalm 122:6). God gave the land of Israel to the Jewish people. Period. That’s not just a claim, it’s a biblical fact. And yet the world seems to have a real problem with Israel being able to defend what is rightfully theirs. Every nation has the right to defend its borders and its people, but for some reason, when it comes to Israel, the world wants to treat it differently. It’s blatant hypocrisy.

And let’s address the “apartheid” lie, because I’m sick of hearing it. Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East. In Israel, Arabs have full rights. They vote, they serve in parliament, they serve as judges — heck, there’s an Arab on the Israeli Supreme Court! How is that apartheid? Meanwhile, in Gaza and the Palestinian territories, Jews aren’t even allowed to live there, and the only Jews who are currently there are hostages. If you want to talk about apartheid, point your finger at the Palestinian leadership, not Israel.

group of teens walking with flag of israel in front of capitol hill
Washington, D.C., USA November 14, 2023: An estimated 290,000 people gathered for the March for Israel on the National Mall to show support for Israel and protest growing anti-semitism worldwide. (Shutterstock)

The Dangerous Consequences of the Media’s Lies

Now, this isn’t just about bad journalism. The consequences of the media’s lies about Israel are real, and they’re dangerous. When the media spreads these falsehoods, they fuel anti-Semitism. We’ve seen a rise in hate crimes against Jews worldwide, and it’s no coincidence. When people are constantly fed a diet of anti-Israel propaganda, they start to believe that Jews — not just Israelis — are the enemy. The media is complicit in this hatred.

And it doesn’t stop there. The lies create political pressure on Israel to make dangerous concessions. Every time the media pushes the “poor Palestinians” narrative, international bodies like the UN start calling for Israel to “show restraint.” Restraint? From defending their own people? Give me a break.

The mainstream media doesn’t care about peace. They care about pushing a narrative. They don’t want you to know that Israel is fighting a defensive war against terrorists who use women and children as shields. They don’t want you to know that the Palestinian leadership is corrupt and uses foreign aid to line their own pockets while their people suffer. Instead, they paint a picture of a ruthless Israel because it serves their agenda.

Hope for the Truth

But here’s the good news: People are waking up. The lies are starting to crumble. Thanks to social media and alternative news outlets, people are seeing what’s really going on. They’re watching the footage that the mainstream media won’t show — like Hamas using ambulances to transport weapons or Israeli soldiers risking their lives to avoid civilian casualties.

There’s hope, too, because Israel isn’t going anywhere. No matter how much the media distorts the truth, Israel remains strong. The Jewish people have been through it all — exile, persecution, genocide — and they’re still here. God’s promises to Israel are eternal, and no amount of media bias can change that.

In the end, the truth will prevail. The lies will be exposed, and those who stand with Israel will be vindicated. As it says in Isaiah 54:17, “No weapon formed against you shall prosper.” The mainstream media can form all the lies they want, but they won’t succeed in destroying Israel. Truth and righteousness will always triumph over deception and hate.

So, the next time you hear the media pushing their anti-Israel propaganda, remember: They’re lying to you. Israel is not the villain. Israel is the David in a world full of Goliaths, and like David, Israel will continue to stand tall, no matter how hard the world tries to tear her down.

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5 days ago

What a crap


Sep 10

As an American who is also a Christian I will always be a supportive friend to and of Israel. I may not have money to give, but my prayers are with you all daily and always until the Messiah returns for us all.


what are you think about third temple?

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